
Geothermal Stories #1 by Helen Robinson

We would like to introduce you to a motivated group of students from the Netherlands who are currently studying International Business and Management at the University of applied science NHLStenden.

Here’s what it’s about:

In our fourth year, we need to prepare and deliver an export plan for one of the minors (‘International Business’). Our export plan will be prepared for the company EC-Profile producing metal to metal rotors and stators – parts of a drill, which can be used to generate geothermal energy. The company is already connected to the American market but has little connections to and almost no knowledge about the market in Asia. So, we would be the ones who will open the Asian market to the company. We expect to write an export plan and an advisory report with key factors to consider when entering the geothermal market in region.

Since the company has ambitions to expand to Asia Pacific, the country of the Philippines has been chosen as the key “case-study”.

We plan to “grade” countries based on several criteria at an external environmental level. Factors that are taken into consideration are related to politics, economy, environment, social-culture, technology, and law. The countries with the highest score (Philippines, Indonesia and New-Zealand) go through a second filter. The following criteria are selected: competition, development of sustainable energy, ease of doing business, language (English), number of drilling platforms and the threat of substitutes. On a second level countries again receive a “grade”, based on the desk research. The Philippines was the country with the highest score and therefore was chosen as a key case-study.

So, what are the key group highlights so far?

In the beginning, we did not have a lot of knowledge about market conditions. But the more we learn, the more interesting it gets. Now, we are more aware of the fact how crucial geothermal energy is for our future. We are incredibly pleased to do research in the field of sustainable energy.