
Geothermal Stories #1 by Helen Robinson

We are crowdsourcing the research and technical agenda needed for a successful pivot by oil and gas to geothermal.

The #GreenPipeline is an effort to identify and assemble a broad list of research and demonstration ideas to be undertaken if we are to get to the use of geothermal everywhere. The aim is to connect, inspire, catalogue, and make visible the technology synergies between the oil/gas and geothermal sectors, in order to inform funding authorities, research teams, and entrepreneurs of the range of technical research challenges facing geothermal adaptation.

This effort is focused on technology research. Although policy, price, permits and politics are instrumental in this transformation, those issues are not part of this enquiry. We want to hear your thoughts on the research and demonstration projects needed to move us towards geothermal everywhere.

Over the next few weeks, the IGA is actively soliciting input globally on unresolved topics. This is an open call; research groups, industry, and others are invited to participate. When we have completed the list of topics, we will collate and publish them in a dynamic format.

We sincerely appreciate your time and answers. Please, follow the link here.