Pivot is a decade-long conference series focused on engaging oil and gas professionals in geothermal exploration and development. This year’s Pivot2021 – Geothermal Reimagined, to take place virtually July 19-23, will feature more than 165 speakers across 35 spirited sessions, with IGA members featured across a variety of sessions and topics. The agenda is exciting, with a diverse group of speakers across multiple disciplines and industries, and appearances by Sir Richard Branson, Chris Anderson and Daniel Yergin. This year, the IGA partnered with Pivot2021 to host a variety of sessions at Pivot2021, including sessions exploring offshore geothermal energy, geothermal in developing nations, and geothermal’s social license, to name a few. Pivot2021 is free to attend, but registration is required. The conference will be translated live into ten languages, and all are welcome to attend globally.
We invite you to register and explore the virtual event page here: https://geo.touchcast.com/showtime/pivot2021. If you’ve already registered, you can use your registered email address to log-in. You will use this same sign-in process to access the conference live the week of the event. If you can’t make a session or wish to watch again, all sessions will be available on demand shortly after the end of the conference.
Geothermal Stories #1 by Helen Robinson