The IGA invites its membership to cast their vote on extending the current Board Term by a period of 6 months to April 2020 so as to coincide with the World Geothermal Congress 2020 where the new Board will begin their term at the AGM held at that time. The following addendum will be appended to the Bylaws.
ADDENDUM – Notwithstanding Article 8.g, the Board may, by written resolution passed by a majority of the total number of Directors at that time, extend the term of the current Directors (for the avoidance of doubt, that is from 31 October 2016 to 31 October 2019) by a period of six months to April 2020 so as to coincide with the World Geothermal Congress 2020 where the new Board will begin their term at the AGM held at that time.
If you are an Institutional, Corporate or Indvidual member of the IGA, we sent an information e-mail with detailed information. Please contact in case you didn’t receive it.
If you are an IGA member via your National Association, please ask your Coordinator for further information.
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