
Geothermal Stories #1 by Helen Robinson

The election for the IGA Board of Directos started today, 30 June 2019 and will run until 30 September 2019.

We are proud to announce that following the Board’s decision on ensuring gender balance and equality almost 40% of current candidates are female. Click here to watch a video about nomination process.

You can vote for up to 25 of 50 candidates from 23 countries:

Abraham, SamLi, Kewen
Aguilera, PabloManzella, Adele
Ayling, BridgetMatsuda, Koji
Bignall, GregMatthiasdottir, Kristin Vala
Bjarnason, BjarniMeier, Peter
Blair, AndyMorata, Diego
Brogle, SylvainOlivar, Maria Victoria M.
Brotheridge, JaneOmenda, Peter
Capuano, LouisOyama, Hiroshi
Caranto, Joeffrey A.Prieto, Angela
Casimiro Espinoza, EmigdioRotich, Abel
Chandrasekhar, VarunSabin, Andy
Darma, SuryaSangin, Sepehr
Falcone, GioiaSchmidlee, Virginie
Guglielmetti, LucaSiratovich, Paul
Hajto, MarekSuryantini, Ninik
Harskamp, BobSvalova, Valentina
Hillbrand, GudrunSzita, Gabor
Huenges, ErnstTingshan, Tian
Izquierdo-Montalvo, GeorginaUtami, Pri
Jahrfeld, ThomasVerdoya, Massimo
Jalilinasrabady, SaeidWielenga, Jelle
Kaya, EylemWissing, Lothar
Kiryukhin, AlexeyYasukawa, Kasumi
Letvin, Amelia IdaZemedkun, Meseret

Please cast your vote here:

If you are a member of an Affiliated Organization, please contact your coordinator and get your IGA ID (log-in & password) to be able to access the IGA Voting Platform.

If you are a corporate, institutional or individual member, you will receive your login credentials from the IGA Team.