
Geothermal Stories #1 by Helen Robinson

WHAT: GreenDrinks Bonn March Meetup featuring Bürgerenergie Rhein-Sieg
WHEN: March, 10, 19-21.00hrs
WHERE: Rheinpavillon, Rathenau Ufer 1, 53113 Bonn, Germany
HOW: Walk, cycle, car-pool or use public transportation

SPECIAL GUEST: Thomas Schmitz, CEO of Bürger-Energie Rhein-Sieg e.G.

This month we’d like to focus again on #SDG7 (affordable & clean energy) and shine a light on a regional renewable energy transition player.

Across Germany, citizens have taken a direct stake in the transition to a cleaner energy supply through ownership of renewable energy installations. A common form are energy cooperatives like Bürger-Energie Rhein-Sieg.

The City of Bonn aims to be carbon neutral by 2035. HOW can we turn this goal together into reality? The initiative Bonn im Wandel recently submitted a citizen proposal to the City — Bonn4Future – Together for Climate — as a roadmapto to engage citizen partipation.

GreenDrinks Bonn is a casual monthly mixer for everyone interested in green business and environmental issues and part of the international GreenDrinks network now active in more than 500 cities.

Our goal is to bring together eco-friendly people and help shape a future that’s green and sustainable.and create a conversation where individuals can share ideas and opportunities, or gain support for a cause. We meet the second Tuesday of every month at 7 pm in different venues to support local business and Bonn’s growing sustainability eco-system.