The Geothermal Volcanology Workshop 2020 will be held from 03 to 08 September 2020 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia.
Topics of scientific sessions:
- Magma-hydrothermal systems
- Hydrothermal systems in volcanic areas
- Seismicity in geofluid volcanic and hydrothermal systems with active faults
- Magmatic feeding systems of active volcanoes
- Modeling the natural state and exploitation of geothermal reservoirs, applications to reserves estimation, feasibility study & investment
- Relationships among geothermal energy, magmatism, metallogeny, secondary mineralization and permeability
- Production geothermal reservoirs and hard-to-recover hydrocarbon formation conditions
- Mechanism of geysers and other cyclic phenomena in hydrothermal systems
- Diagenetic alteration of host rocks by hydrothermal fluid circulation
Abstract submission is until May 1, 2020.
Abstract submissions should be 0.5 page or less, 12 point Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, and include title, author(s), author(s) affiliation, author(s) email, and abstract text. Please do not include any graphics.
Please submit your abstract via e-mail
Accommodations and Registration Information
Information regarding accommodations and registration will be coming soon. Please check the Geothermal Volcanology Workshop 2020 website periodically for updates.
All those from outside Russia who would like to participate in Geothermal Volcanology Workshop-2019 must plan to apply for Russian visa well in advance. An invitation letter is required for your visa application. So that we can provide the letter, please fill out the questionnaire below and send it together with an electronic copy (JPEG) of the two first pages of your passport to Oxana Evdokimova as soon as possible.
- Full name (last, first, middle)
- Date of birth (date, month, and year)
- Place of birth (town/city/locality, region/province/state, country)
- Sex (female/male)
- Citizenship/Dual Citizenship
- Permanent residence ( town/city, region/province/state, country)
- Passport number, date of issue/expiration
- Authority issued the passport
- Institution (full title) and address
- Position
- Telephone number, e-mail, fax
- Clear and readable copy of the first two pages of the passport in JPG format
- Dates of stay in RF
- Purpose of stay (full title of the workshop, field work or project)
- City where Russian Consulate is located and where you are planning apply for RF visa
- Cities to be visited in RF
Key Dates
- Abstract Submission (1 page): NOW OPEN
- Abstract Submission Closes: May 1, 2020
- Notification of Abstract Acceptance: June 1, 2020
- Extended Abstract Submission (up to 4 pages): July 1, 2020
- Early Registration Deadline: TBD
- Welcome Reception: September 03, 2020 (Location: TBD)
- Geothermal Volcanology Workshop 2020: September 04-05, 2020
- Field Trips: September 03, September 06-08, 2020
Field Trips will be offered depending on demand. Please indicate your interest(s) via e-mail.
Additional Information:
You can find Proceedings Geothermal Volcanology Workshop 2019
Please email