
Geothermal Stories #1 by Helen Robinson

The Society of Petroleum Engineers – Gulf Coast Section is pleased to inform you that it is organizing the 9th semi-annual Energy Professionals Hiring Event for professionals of energy and upstream oil & gas disciplines.

The Hiring Event is one of the most remarkable happenings that bring together experienced & talented professionals with employers and recruiters from various sectors “virtually under one roof”, thereby serving as the platform for open and vast-ranging employment opportunities. The Hiring Event will be held both online and face to face in Houston and will take place on October 12th, 2021.

All IGA members are entitled to participate in the vent as job seekers!

The SPE-GCS will be partnering with Texas Workforce Solutions and over 40 other professional organizations to make this event inclusive and representative of the industry segment.  The virtual platform will be provided by Texas Workforce Solutions, and there will also be a face-to-face component this fall at the Steve Radack Community Center in Houston, resulting in a hybrid event.

For more information about the event, location, time, registration, participants, visit the website: