
Geothermal Stories #1 by Helen Robinson

The Government of the Republic of Kenya will be hosting the Eighth African Rift Geothermal (ARGeo-C8) Virtual Conference in partnership with UNEP, GDC, KenGen, GAK, AUC and IGA-ARB. The ARGeo-C8 VIRTUAL conference will be facilitated by UNEP, in Nairobi, and will run from 2nd to 6th November 2020 as originally planned with the exception of the Field Trips. The Conference thus consists of:

  • 2-3 November 2020: The Short Courses.
  • 3 November 2020: Kenya Investment Forum
  • 4-6 November 2020: The Main Conference

The theme of ARGeo-C8 Virtual conference is: “Seizing the Moment: Investing in Geothermal Resources for Sustainable Development”. The main objective of this virtual conference is to promote regional cooperation, create an information exchange platform on exploration, development, investment and utilization of the geothermal resources in the region and elsewhere in the world. This virtual international conference will bring together policy makers, technical experts as well as developers and financiers of international and regional delegates.

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